Buying has changed. We must change too.

A framework for cybersecurity sales teams designed to deliver unforgettable buyer experiences.

Why a Framework?

It's time to meet buyers on their terms.

For too long we've forced buyers into a sales funnel just to get product information or see a basic demo. No more. People hate being sold to. Armed with endless amounts of data, analyst insights, and private peer communities; buyers are now in the driver seat when it comes to making a purchase. It's time for us to stop forcing buyers into our sales process and adapt how we engage with them. This framework is meant to accomplish just that.

We believe that pre-sales teams are a catalyst to bringing about this change. Uniquely positioned within an organization, pre-sales teams are the intersection of Sales, Marketing, Customer Success, Product, and of course, the customer. It’s time for us to go beyond the label of “technical expert” and become the global translator of technical needs to key business outcomes.

Having a framework that focuses on the entire buying experience, and not just the sale itself, truly puts customers first. It changes the dynamic of the relationship (for the better) and enables us to build lasting partnerships instead of just adding a new logo to the roster. It's time for us to deliver unforgettable buying experiences and it starts with changing how we view sales in this modern, digitally driven world.

Ready to get started?

Explore the framework below.



Start with your story

It all begins with a story - your story. The internet has become a crowded place and standing out among the many has become more challenging by the day. Before you can connect with those you want to reach most, you need to shape your message in a way that resonates with them. From how you describe the problem you solve, to weaving in customer stories of those you've already helped, your story should be uniquely yours. Once you’ve crafted your story, it’s up to you to bring the passion in how you share it each time. If you don't believe in it, how will anyone else?



Find your people

Sales is not about spray and pray…it's about finding your people and learning to connect with them. This requires a mindset shift from "here is what I can sell you" to "how can I help you". Want to know the easiest way to make this transition? Focus on your audience. Whether it’s solving a simple problem or making a task easier. Finding the right value to deliver requires constant experimentation of content types and distribution channels. When you find the right fit, execute better than anyone else in the market. This isn't about making a sale, it's the first step in building a relationship.



Build relationships that last

When your customers are ready to talk, don't go into selling mode. Customers don't want to see 50 slides about your company's history or the dozens of awards you've won. They have a challenge, a limited budget, and an even smaller amount of time to accomplish their goal. Engagement is all about building a relationship, better yet, a partnership where you are both working together towards a common goal. Be up front with them about capabilities, pricing, where your product really shines, and where you aren’t a good fit. You have their attention, use it wisely.



Arm your best champions

Do you know what people say about you or your company when you aren’t in the room? Chances are they don’t say much, unless you’ve armed them with the right content and stories. Companies are complex and people have to-do lists a mile long. If you aren’t top of the mind, you are bottom of the list. When it comes to building champions internally, you need to enable them with the right artifacts to lead the charge (when you aren’t there). If done correctly, you will not only gain a champion, but you’ll amplify your reach.



Win on brand, close with data

If you've made it this far, your customers should know your brand, and your solution, very well. You've proven your value, confirmed budget alignment, and have clearly helped the customer achieve their business outcomes. All that's left is to get through procurement. Instead of getting bogged down in the process, combine the data captured during your engagement, the value your solution brings, and the legal documents you will surely be asked for, to delight procurement and set the tone for how you do business. Win people over with your buyer experience (emotion), close deals faster by arming them with data (logic).